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2.Sulfur tetrafluoride(SF4)

3.Nucleophilic Fluorinations

4.Electrophilic Fluorinations

5.Schiemann Reaction

6.Finkelstein Reaction

7.Introduction of trifluoromethyl

8.Derivatization of fluoride

Organic fluorides are crucial in pharmaceutical industry. Nearly one fifth of the newly marketed drugs contain fluorine. Fluorinated drugs are usually more efficient on the targeted organs because of better membrane penetration and higher bioavailability, which results in lower daily drug dosage. Easy CMO has applied the technology in the syntheses of key intermediates of sofosbuvir and riociguat, as well as spiro, four-, five- and six-membered rings

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  • Office Address: 16F, Zhonghai Plaza, Jinan City
  • info@eosmedchem.com
  • 0086-531-69905422